Inside The Hip

Discover our team of specialized hip surgeons and their treatments in Paris and Lyon.
Doctors Alexis Nogier, Idriss Tourabaly, and Cyril Courtin are here to listen to you, relieve your pain, and collaborate on finding the best solutions together.

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The importance ofconsultation

It is crucial to be able to meet with your surgeons so that they can identify the causes of your pain. Doctors Nogier, Tourabaly, and Courtin offer consultations to listen to you, discuss issues related to your hips, and collaborate on finding solutions together.
From the first consultation to the last, the patient is at the center of the discussions and treatment: decisions should be made in conjunction with them.

Collegiate consultation: Support with Inside the Hip | Paris


The strength of our practice lies in the exchange among colleagues aimed at testing the soundness of the diagnosis and proposed treatment.

In the case of poor results after prosthesis, the collaborative consultation allows the patient to meet with three highly specialized surgeons.

A comprehensive audit of the hip is conducted, based on the hip’s history, surgical report, medical records, and imaging. The collaborative consultation attracts patients from all over France.


3D scanning plays a central role in our daily practice. It allows us to study in detail the consequences of various hip pathologies and the responses we can provide.
This technology accompanies us daily to enable us to offer the best treatment, validate the preoperative approach, and verify the results postoperatively.

Discover 3D SCANNING
L'expertise sportive | Chirurgie de la hanche | Inside the Hip


Is it possible to combine hip replacement with high-level sports? Yes, and our surgeons are particularly skilled at addressing various hip pathologies and enabling you to resume both individual and team physical activities. They will support you in your athletic endeavors to ensure that you continue to enjoy these activities as much as before the surgery.

Inside the Hip


Discover testimonials, behind-the-scenes insights, and the promises of custom hip replacement.

video testimonials

A picture is worth a thousand words: explore video testimonials from our patients, their unique experiences, and their journey with the Inside the Hip team.


Various hip pathologies and associated procedures can raise different questions. Here, you can find answers to inquiries that may already be on your mind.